Lamborghini Gallardo On Fire

And now for something completely different: Lambo on fire :)

Ferrari On Fire

This is sad; whenever I search for Ferrari the one of the first results is Ferrari on fire. Here are three of them, on fire of course, which I found on youtube:

1. Testarossa

This is incident from Norway, just a small fire with no visible damage to the car.
The best thing about this video is comment by 65ShelbyClone:
"Testarossa or Testa-ROAST-a? ;)"

2. Ferrari 430 spider on Fire

Night of flames and fire, and again a funny comment by BlakeSchneider:
"A Gallardo passed it so fast that it combusted."

3. Ferrari 612 burning

Gabriel Popescu, a Romanian football (soccer for Americans) player, is losing his car. No funny comments :)

Ferrari F430 On Fire Video

As an update to my previous post here's the video of burning F430 at South Luzon Expressway in Philippines.

You can see a policeman with a handheld extinguisher trying to put out the fire, but with no success.

Lamborghini Murcielago LP640

Here's the million dollar question, what is this?

Well, this is Lamborghini Murcielago LP640, or better to say what is left from it. Yep, it's hard to believe that this is what left from this beauty:

The owner of this Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 has a site dedicated to this car with very interesting question:

"Lamborghini Murciélago

Or: - A dream becomes a nightmare -

Driving mistake or material defect on a straight Autobahn at about 68% of maximum speed and a skilled driver on board?
Be your own judge!
- The manufacturer Lamborghini remains silent... -"

I suggest you to go there and see it for yourself, but before you go to visit that site you can visit this one too: $300,000 Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 Destroyed

Bad luck or something else?

Spy Games

As I predicted here the battle between Ferrari and McLaren is not over yet. The
trial is reopened again, but this time with Ferrari presenting the evidence.
The excerpt from the letter of Max Mosley, the president of FIA, to the
president of CSAI, Luigi Macaluso, is opening the possibility to any F1 team to

"Your letter suggests that the outcome may have been different if the Council
had given Ferrari further opportunities to be heard beyond those that were in
fact offered.

Because of this and the importance of public confidence in the outcome, I will
send this matter to the FIA Court of Appeal under Article 23.1 of the FIA
Statutes with a request that the Court hear both Ferrari and McLaren and any
other Championship competitor who so requests and determine whether the
decision of the WMSC was appropriate and, if not, substitute such other
decision as may be just."

I have no idea why he is giving other teams opportunity to be heard on Court,
as far as I know the only involved party beside Ferrari and McLaren, was Honda
and the only thing they do was interviewing Nigel Stepney and Mike Coughlan for
the job position.

In the mean time, the McLaren strikes back with the claim that Ferrari used
illegal car at the beginning of the Championship and that is the reason behind
Ferrari's Australian Grand Prix win. Hot summer indeed!
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