Ferrari F430 – So Hot It Melts Down!

As shocking as it seems to be it is not uncommon for this particular model of Ferrari to get on fire. The reason for this is an engine-overheating flaw which can cause a fire in the engine bay. Here you can see burning F430 at South Luzon Expressway in Philippines.

To quote a witness:

"Yup, this was yesterday, around 7:30 am to about 8:30 when the flat bed arrived to scoop it up.

The car owner is a good friend, and I was with him yesterday...actually right behind him when the fire started. We were driving a bit quicker at the skyway, but when we reached SLEX, we slowed down because of traffic. The incident happened right before the Susana Heights exit (800 mteres from it). We were following each other (there were about 8 of us doing a leisurely sunday drive) at the part of SLEX where the lanes were guided by plastic orange it at about 60 km/h. The car started to accelerate a bit after the single lane guide, and the fire erupted form the left rear bank of the car.

Thought it was an engine blow out, but it was actually a fluid leak on to the hot exhaust part of the car. We tried to get a fire extinguisher but the only one available came too late, and was not enough to stop the fire.

The owner stepped out of the car immediately after he saw the rear fire errupt in his sidemirror. It did not blow up, just burned (up to 20 feet fire) until the entire rear half melted and the fire truck came to stop it.

It was an unreal sight, and was a very sad moment. Luckily the car is covered under warranty still, and there are worldwide reported incedents of similar events!"

Lucky me! I've been on my way to a Ferrari dealership when I found this one :)

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