Morgan LIFECar

Announced at last year’s edition of the show, the Morgan LIFECar will officially pe unveiled at this year’s Geneva Motor Show, which starts March 4. The LIFECar is one amazing vehicle, which, if it’ll go into production, will definitely have our respect. Now, closer to its debut, a lot of photos showed up on the Internet, which show the LIFECar as a classy coupe, keeping Morgan heritage.

But what’ really awesome are the technologies used to power this car. In cooperation with QinetiQ, Cranfield and Oxford universities, BOC and OSCar, Morgan managed to create an ultra quiet, hydrogen powered car, whos exhaust system will produce only water vapour thanks to its fuel cell converting hydrogen into electricity. The total cost of the project will be £ 1.9 million but we sure think it’ll worth it.

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