Pedal Powered Lamborghini

Pedal Powered Lamborghini

    Pedal powered Lamborghini is a work of Benedict Radcliffe and Ben Wilson. Radcliffe is known for his wire sculptures of cars, beside the sculpture of Lamborghini his sculpture of Subaru Impreza has received much attention. On the other hand, Wilson is best known for his Bicycle expertise. Here's what Ben Wilson has to say about this car:

"The work questions the combustion engine, celebrates bicycle efficiency and the striking design of the Lamborghini arguably one of the most iconic super cars of all time, as well as Wilson and Radcliffes commitment to clever and thoughtful craftsmanship."

Pedal Powered Lamborghini

    Seeing the photo above I would add: "Attracting unwanted attention of a police officer" :) Anyhow, if you want to see more of the Wilson's work you should visit his website.
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