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  • transpass
    08-01 12:42 PM
    I am pleasantly surprised and would like to thank Sen Menendez on behalf of all the IV members in his constituency for sponsoring visa recapture bill in Senate. Few days back when we called his office, his position was different. But because of we all calling and requesting for his support, he graciouly has agreed to take up our case. Speaking with his staff, I came to know that more than thousand calls were made to his office in support of the visa recapture bill.

    This is just my thinking...

    Sen Menendez vigorously supports family based immigration...I watched the failed comprehensive immigration debate on senate floor almost in its entirety. There, he was like a lone warrior arguing against the senators (Like Sessions) who said CIR bill encourages chain migration, etc...He was totally supporting visas that enable family reunions.

    hr 5882 supports recapture of lost family based visas along with those of employment based. So no surprise Sen Menendez introduced the senate version of the house bill...And that's good for us...and we will take it...

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  • maharshijb
    05-05 09:30 AM
    Hiring Manager has asked me to send him a link to the website which says I can start working once the application is submitted to that he can talk to his HR & other folks....

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  • karan2004m
    12-18 03:19 PM
    I filed for I-140/485 concurrently in Aug 2007. I got all receipts & EAD/FP done in November. Waiting for AP.

    I see in my 485 status online, one LUD was on 12/15, other on 12/18 today. What is it? My PD is 2007 so I dont know why so many LUDs recently. Is there something to worry about?

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  • fromnaija
    07-30 10:08 PM
    Are you saying that a child will age out if the child's 485 cannot be immediately adjudicated due to retrogression and the child is over 21 when that 485 is eventually processed?

    The priority date for children who might age out is fixed at the time of your I140 filing. So if you I140 took six months to approve this can be taken off the age of the child when the labor priority date becomes current. So even if you file when a child is 20 and a half and you have to wait for two years for the date to become current, unless the I140 took 1 and a half years their age will be over 21 when the green card can be processed so they age out of derivative status.

    Good luck to those who are facing this. I do understand your anxiety since my son aged out while I was waiting three and half years for my labor cert. It would seem that this 'black hole' in the employment based process is non existent to the people who can change it.

    Not sure what the future holds for such children, maybe there is some greater plan which we are not aware of yet.

    I do see one advantage they cannot be called up for military service (for the USA) on a non-immigrant visa whereas they can if they have a green card. While I understand fighting is a noble cause I would not want my son to fight for our country of origin either.


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  • Berkeleybee
    03-28 11:03 AM

    We know IV has set policies about postings, but i have to agree with Jnayar here. It is really a waste of time and counterproductive for individuals to be on 2-3 different forums. Especially when the creme-de-la-creme is on this one.

    I mean at max, some people will read the issues and not post a reply, but if someone DOES have an answer, it would make life easier on the person that posted the question. From my personal experience, i used to visit the ImmigrationPortal religiously during the past year. Now i have not once stepped onto that forum, coz most of my needs regarding information are met here. We have a strong, vast and diverse community on here and we can help each other out, being that most Immigration Lawyers are not very prompt in answering our questions. You guys have been doing a great job moderating this forum, but we need to have a seperate category for these extra issues.

    Adding another forum should not be too big of an issue in my opinion, though the Admin could shed some light on this.

    All people have to do is monitor two forums. That is exactly what I do. When my application was sent off to the Texas Service Center from the CSC, I posted on Immig Portal not here.

    We do not want IV to become just another forum. We want to keep our activism at the forefront. And we want the "creme de la" as you call them to focus on the work at hand not answering every question that comes along. If you are familiar with Immig Portal you know that the same question is asked repeatedly, misinformation is spread and moderators have enough to do without getting involved in all that. Not to mention frayed nerves, name calling and the all the rest of it. As it is it is hard to keep people on topic in any given thread. I am not sure you know about the behind the scenes work needed to keep this forum accurate, civil and on point.

    Please understand that we think of Immig Portal as a complementary forum. We were born there, and we think it is the appropriate forum to discuss processing issues.

    And as for extra time, think of all the extra time IV volunteers are spending just getting basic IV work done. Spend the extra 5 mins to go to Immig Portal.

    warm regards,

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  • alterego
    08-01 02:38 PM
    Wonderful. It seem the CHC has really come around to seeing the benefit of interim relief. The sweetener for them of course is the FB visa recapture, however in spite of that it is a commendable step for them to lose their obstructionist stand, linking anything Immi related to the "earned legalisation" program.
    This may all yet fall apart if the republicans see political mileage in it. They can cause a huge blow up in Sept. and use it to rally their base. However the good news is that McCain is unlikely to get much help from that, and also doing that will also alienate the Latino vote which they need desperately, so I am not convinced they are likely to do that.
    Additionally given recent enforcement measures, wall, harsh immigration raids etc on one hand and the absence of H1b provisions and the generally less controversial provisions in this bill (well supported by industry whose cash they need this fall) may get past moderate republicans. If they choose not to politicize it then I think the measures stand a good chance. Of course we need to do our part, it seem clear to me that we were quite effective with our pleas to the CHC.
    I would urge all the naysayers to take a look at these developments and read between the lines and get on board and feel good about your participation.

    I notice that some of the least controversial measures like the EB5 program, the Conrad 30 program for physicians, and the Religious workers bill have all been kept in abeyance. Perhaps they will try to bundle a small package together later this year as a rider after the recess. I know there is a long time left, but finally a ray of hope.
    I must say considering the recent movement of EB2I dates, the new interpretation of spillover rules, the extension of EAD to 2 yrs and other administrative fixes, the movement of recapture legislation in the congress etc. are all very encouraging given the drought period between 2005 and this spring. I know there are other achievements, but we need to take stock sometimes.
    Thanks to IV for bringing attention to our issues and leading to these small but measurable steps. Who else would have advocated for our community?

    Please keep all this in mind the next time you think about helping out.


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  • dsneyog
    11-30 10:54 PM
    Sorry I have no advise as I am filing my AP tomorrow for the first time. However it scares me that it's been over 3 months that USCIS received your application. I am sending out mine tomorrow and need to get it it by late February. Wondering if I should mention in my covering letter about expediting it. I am also planning to include prepaid envelope.

    Hope someone here can answer your question.

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  • sw33t
    05-31 11:47 AM


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  • syedajmal
    07-11 08:08 AM
    I have been in the same situation where I had switched from a H1 to H4 and when I got a job the lawyer just applied for the H1 as it was counted. ( I really believed I needed a new one) . I got it approved. So she is fine with just a transfer.

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  • apahilaj
    05-29 01:39 PM
    Yes file the G-28 forms as well..thats what i did too..

    I didn't file G-28 form since I was filing myself. Isn't G-28 only required if some one else is representing you?

    I've got the receipt notices for EAD as well. Will see what happens next.


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  • adde72
    05-22 09:47 PM
    What will happen to people who already made the move hoping to preserve their priority date from previous employer? Isn't this unfair to these folks. Do you think they may be exempt from this? I wish at least.

    I assume USICS will accept the Labor's and I 140 until in the old form until the merit based system was introduced .I assume the transition will be like the introduction of PERM

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  • leo2606
    10-29 04:43 PM
    I did some mistakes when I went for Visa intervew in March 2007, I have done a new form on line and printed again.If they have not changed the usage of online DS-156 you could do the same thing.


    I entered Passport Issuing city as Bangalore instead of Washington DC in DS-156 form, I am not able to update these fields as they are locked. I cant cancel this appointment as I have already done once before and if I cancel again I wont be able to book for another 3 months. What do I do? Please respond if you have any answers. Will calling the New Delhi customer support line help?



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  • tikka
    06-25 12:49 PM
    IV members have saved all of us a lot of money on attorney phone calls, getting answers to medical test questions and other general questions. Please contribute to IV so that we can keep this effort going. While everybody is busy collecting documents and paperwork for 485, core IV again is doing their personal paperwork and + lobbying.
    Please contribute, especially if you are new and never contributed. Please do not be a freeloader and get your questions answered and run away.

    Thank you

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  • eyeswe
    02-11 06:11 PM
    Now you know why Immigrants are needed! The Math......Sorry did not mean to hurt anyones intelligence with my peas sized brain... Good catch..

    A good article supporting a sensible plan.

    One minor correction however.

    "Suppose half of these persons wish to purchase a home. If they were permitted to make a 20 percent down payment on a private home (and the average cost of a home in the U.S. today is approximately $200,000), this would result in a net financial gain of $1.6 billion immediately for American banks, not to mention improving the dismal real estate market in many areas of the country."

    The figure quoted as 1.6 billion actually comes out to 16 Billion dollars if you do the math explained.


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  • paskal
    11-10 06:32 PM
    to everyone willing to contribute to the efforts
    please hold on, i will get back to you once the structure of the new work groups is finalized. remember to complete your profile!

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  • lvinaykumar
    07-02 02:16 PM
    all i can say is they are taking us for granted. If we don't do anything about it they will continue to do this again and again. We should fight back. Put a lawsuit. I have take a vacation to get the documents done and also pay for my medical exam. Which costed me lot of money. I don't mind spending few more to fight for what was taken away from me..

    I am going to contribute as soon as i get my pay check this month.....Lets fight.


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  • kumar1305
    02-11 06:13 AM
    In your sim city you can make these rule. However for the real world support IV initiatives for the best results.

    I'm in my sixth year and didn't even apply for labor. Let the company apply my labor thn I will be active in ur initiatives.

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  • vdixit
    04-22 03:09 PM
    My company's HR rep informed me that my application was selected in this godforsaken lottery. however the validity dates of H1 have been screwed up. they say valid from Oct 1st 2008-Oct 1st 2008.
    Now the lawyers are saying hopefully they will correct things before they mail out either the actual recipts or when they issue the visa. If this is not corrected they are going to apply for corrections.
    I am a little worried, should they be waiting until the visa arrives or make a move now?
    Has anyone faced this issue and if yes any advice on how to correct things.

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  • sabbygirl99
    03-28 11:23 AM
    My LC is languishing in Philly backlog center. Not sure if I beleive that they will have it completed by Sep 2007. In any case, I am blessed enough to be able to switch to a part time status at work. I am enrolling in a part time graduate program. My question is - will going part time at work hurt me with LC or even later with 140, 485, or maybe even green card interview?? Thanks.

    07-11 06:07 PM
    I can make some calls too, I have been away so slightly lost on thread.

    Please post once we have enough volunteers for the calls

    04-09 03:39 PM
    I guess Berkeleybee was talking about me....I posted a few theories in another thread regarding PACE act.

    I certainly understand the IV has done a lot and am very excited about what you have achieved. Not sure how you view it, but I think posting my view in the forum is also a form of support. It may not be as much as you wanted, but nevertheless it by no mean is saying what you did was wrong, it's just some thing I thought about and I thought it might be worth to bring up. But If this bothers you then I have no problem to shut up.

    Not sure why IV chose to lock up live update threading to member only though. Growing number of members is definitely good, but I am not sure about forcing people to register to read. People participant when there is a passion in it, forcing they into it more or less drive the passion away.

    Just my 2 cents.


    Just to put this issue to bed once and for all. IV is committed to bringing its goals into legislation -- we are not wedded to any particular piece of legislation. If Plan A doesn't work, there is Plan B, C and D. Each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

    There have been some people who have been saying "Comprehensive reform is dead IV should work on PACE/Poster's favorite option."

    (1) It is not certain that CIR is dead. We are not about to toss it aside before the Senate has.

    (2) IV is fully prepared for PACE -- we have studied all of PACE's provisons (have the theorists even done this?). Did you happen to notice that one of the co-sponsors of PACE has already offered an amendment for us? We also have support from other co-sponsors.

    (3) Our amendments show that we have support no matter which legislation goes forward -- we have to shore up this support and make sure we get more for floor votes.

    BTW, I notice that some of our new theorists became members only a few days ago, probably to read the live update threads, and just a few days after that they start opining about what IV should do. ;-) Have they done anything with/for IV: volunteer, contribute, send webfaxes? I doubt it.

    Note to new members: please visit our Resources section and familiarize yourself with the material there, at the very least you'll see we have been doing our homework and we are not a one-theory-one-legislation group.


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